1. Everybody can visit the park at his own risk, for children under 14 years the parent or adult attendant are responsible.
  2. By entering the venue and purchasing tickets, you confirm that you have read and understood the park's policy, safety regulations and the rules of the games located in the park, which you must comply with. You acknowledge that you cannot make any claim for damages and accidents which are not the responsibility of the park or which result from improper use of the games. In case of violation of the rules you are fully responsible.
  3. Some of the park's elements can only be used after filling out a liability statement.
  4. The attractions at the Oxygen Adrenalin Park are operated based on a specific schedule, which you can find on the signs next to the attractions. Our visitors cannot claim compensation in the case of attractions not operating due to technical or weather reasons, or in the case of queuing at the attractions.
  5. Everyone participates in the games at their own risk, knowing the conditions of participation. The games cannot be used by people who are intoxicated, under psychiatric treatment, or under the influence of other medications or drugs.
  6. Everyone must fully follow the instructions of the staff operating the games. If someone does not follow the instructions of the game supervisors or is under the influence of alcohol, medication or drugs, the supervisor has the right to prohibit the visitor from using the game.
  7. Using the games - with the exception of the forest gymnastics track, raft and water obstacle course - are forbidden without a supervisor and equipment, it is accident-prone and life-threatening!
  8. It is forbidden to use the lake for swimming! In the surroundings of the games around the lake, or while using them, you may also get wet, the park operator is not responsible for any resulting inconveniences!
  9. Staying on the railway tracks and placing foreign objects on them is strictly prohibited!
  10. It is strictly forbidden to climb onto the military equipment and the airplane!
  11. Staying in the quarry pit, outside the dam is forbidden and accident-prone!
  12. If you or a person authorized by you causes material damage to the games or the tracks, it is your duty to pay for the property damage caused.
  13. The operator assumes no liability for damage to property (objects left behind; torn, soiled clothes).
  14. Littering is forbidden in the park area, please empty the generated trash into the trash cans placed in the park for this purpose.
  15. To sit on or climb over railings is forbidden!
  16. To light a fire in the park area is only allowed at designated fire-lighting places.
  17. Dogs may be brought into the park on a leash or in a carrier. For the safety of other park visitors, the use of a muzzle is mandatory for large dogs.


Video and audio recordings may be made in the Park area on behalf of the operator. By purchasing the entrance ticket or entering the venue, you give your consent to appear on them and you acknowledge that you cannot assert any claims against their creators or rightful users.

We will initiate proceedings against ticket counterfeiters and those involved in counterfeiting.

In the park area the Highway Code rules are valid; please kindly adhere to this in the park and the parking lot as well.

We do not take responsibility for valuables left in cars or cash desk.

By following the rules, you also contribute to the safe operation of the park. Thank you for your cooperation!