We suggest 11 different tourist paths for you from in the region of the Oxygen Adrenalin park. You can find maps to download for all of the suggested paths here.

1st Path
Bobsled tracks - Hanák Kolos-look out - Bobsled tracks
20 minutes there and back
Download map: here.

3rd Path
Bobsled tracks - Rákóczi-forrás - Máriácska - Rákóczi-forrás - Bobsled tracks
50 minutes there and back
Download map: here.

4th Path
Bobsled tracks - Mátrafüred - Bobsled tracks
1 hour and 15 minutes there and back
Download map: here.

5th Path
Bobsled Tracks - Rákóczi-forrás - Muzsla-tető - Mátrafüred - Muzsla-tető - Bobsled Tracks
2 hours there and back
Download map: here.

6th Path
Bobsled tracks - Rákóczi-forrás - Kecske-bérc - Mátraháza - Szajla-forrás - Farkas-kút - Sástó - Bobsled tracks
1 hour and 15 minutes there and back
Download map: here.

7th Path
Bobsled tracks - Rákóczi-forrás - Gyökeres-forrás - Somor patak völgye - Kékestető - Bobsled tracks
5 hours there and back
Download map: here.

8th Path
Bobsled tracks - Sástó - Farkas-kút - Lajosháza - Sástó - Bobsled tracks
2 hours and 50 minutes there and back
Download map: here.

9th Path
Bobsled tracks - Rákóczi-forrás - Mátrafüred - Benevár - Remete-barlang - Ménes-csapási-fenyves - Somor-patak völgye - Mátraháza - Rákóczi-forrás - Bobsled tracks
5 hours there and back
Download map: here.

10th Path
Bobsled tracks - Rákóczi-forrás - Mátrafüred - Csepegő-forrás - Disznó-kút - Kékestető - Kishalál - Nagyhalál - Mátraháza - Rákóczi-forrás - Bobsled tracks
6 hours there and back
Download map: here.

11th Path
Bobsled tracks - Sástó - Farkas-kút - Lajosháza - Ilona-kút - Tarma-kút - Kozmáry-kilátó - Sástó - Bobpálya
Alternative possibility: From Lajosháza go with the Matravasut (train) to Gyöngyös-Mátrafüred, then from Mátrafüred by foot to the bobsled track. The time frame depends on the train schedule.
3 hours and 20 minutes there and back
Download map: here.